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Topic: "War Reports"

Page 5
General Zhyszhak, Su, 23.11.08 11:06:42:

i don't understand this sry but how i translate it it makes no sence only bullshit... ???
General one man, Su, 23.11.08 11:22:38:

i mean you have union 3 man isnt it i have 1 and i not scary i fight 4 man taliban help you ,sky areas and you.You union and talibaan att my 4 man who scary and i not scary i def 4 mand and att that i mena you union names is now "scary union " 1 vs 1 scary do i think you are wommen who scary make 1vs 1 fight
General Zhyszhak, Su, 23.11.08 11:34:50:

mhmm am i a good looking woman????... and we aren'T scary i hav attack you in europe more i can't do...
General one man, Su, 23.11.08 11:39:03:

and sky help sky+ you = wommen and scary wommen
Generalleutnant sKy, Su, 23.11.08 11:56:00:

Hmm I thought you fight alone ... But what I see is that you are not alone fighting, and this struggle has made fun for me but unfortunately lost but I am looking forward to a new fight!

Bericht über Gebäudeeinnahme aus Delhi, Indien So, 23.11.08 7:08:44
Unglücklicherweise sind deine Truppen in einem Angriff angeführt von one man NATO gefallen, der dein Trainingscenter für Präzisionswaffen II Gebäude erobert hat.

Verluste der Angreifer
one man NATO:
Scharfschützen III: 1.297 / 7.000
FA Soldaten III: 125 / 500
Gewehrsoldaten: 783 / 3.500
Schützensoldaten: 307 / 1.500
FA Soldaten: 71 / 500
Jagdflugzeuge: 0 / 4
PA Soldaten: 75 / 500
MG Jeeps: 0 / 20

Verluste der Verteidiger
Major General sKy hieske:
Normale Panzer: 17 / 17
Gewehrsoldaten: 314 / 314
Bewaffnete Fanatiker: 1.947 / 1.947
Scharfschützen: 1.239 / 1.239
Schützenfanatiker: 189 / 189
FA Fanatiker: 984 / 984
PA Fanatiker: 1.107 / 1.107
PA Soldaten: 88 / 88
Gewehrfanatiker: 590 / 590
FA Soldaten: 95 / 95
Schützensoldaten: 2.838 / 2.838
General one man, Su, 23.11.08 12:04:50:

delhi figth he help but not more i sky you are scary man or scary wommen
Generalleutnant sKy, Su, 23.11.08 12:14:28:

Okey alone you would have had no chance?
General one man, Su, 23.11.08 12:17:07:

we see i have all time chance
General de Ejército Deadly Otter, Su, 23.11.08 19:09:56:

yes this was an easy round i think this looks very easy
General one man, Su, 23.11.08 19:34:09:

ty man

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