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Topic: "Multis"

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Samsemillia, Su, 11.3.12 12:17:10:
Ja werde ich mal schauen, wasdort so für leute gibt
Brigadier General AncientHydra, Sa, 31.3.12 13:16:39:

So many multis in this game kinda ruin the fun of it.
Samsemillia, Sa, 31.3.12 13:54:07:
Where are multis ?
Brigadier General AncientHydra, Sa, 31.3.12 19:30:57:

look at the multi check. Zer/pin, CMP/Dex, Adam/R3nger. And I'm willing to bet there are a lot more.
General Triplenine, Sa, 31.3.12 19:49:57:

year i`m a multi from samsemilia
ready to die?.... i was bourn ready mothafucka
Generalleutnant clinq, Sa, 31.3.12 21:29:51:

hydra, that aren't multi's. they are just playing at the same pc/ip.
Samsemillia, Su, 1.4.12 10:33:22:
No all acc are of one person...there is olnly one person who plays
Generalleutnant clinq, Su, 1.4.12 13:46:16:

haha. that's also possible
Samsemillia, Su, 1.4.12 15:45:09:
why not ? we are one person and this person is schizophrenic

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