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Topic: "SPTO"

Generalleutnant Kraven, Mo, 16.2.15 4:24:48:

Hello everyone, its Krave and I'd like to inform everyone that NATO has moved its Head Quarters to a unknown location in Southern Asia. As of now NATO forces in southern Asia adobted a new tag SPTO or South Pacific Treaty Organization. SPTO forces are currently operating in India attempting to keep the peace between the Hindus, Shite and Sunni Muslims(Hindus are not Muslim). SPTO Forces will also now take control of the national defense of India, while I Secretary General Krave will lead the nation into brighter reforms. NATO is now the SPTO.
Mr. Superglue, Mo, 16.2.15 21:14:02:

So I take it our goal should be to try to take the world over as quick as possible.
Generalleutnant Kraven, Th, 19.2.15 4:44:55:

So Far so good, but To be honest with you, I'm not comfortable with the speed at which we are spreading out. I'm use to Slowly taking a country at a time while building multiple military facilities. In server 1 this works perfectly, but the way we are spreading out, Late game in server one we would have been reckt by someone quietly recruiting troops. I mean I think we should slow it down a bit or else things get boring when no one wants to stand up and fight us.
Mr. Superglue, Th, 19.2.15 6:24:01:

Server one moving a bit faster is good in the beginning.

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