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Topic: "Round"

Page 9
Generalleutnant sKy, Su, 7.12.08 20:45:06:

General one man, Fr, 12.12.08 5:28:43:

i say today i finish this round and i comme generaö final we winn hurra hurra hurra
General de Ejército Deadly Otter, Fr, 12.12.08 7:44:13:

you will be general? i don´t know whether you take 100k points
General one man, Fr, 12.12.08 8:09:11:

if i take china over and i have 101k point and hurra
but i not sure if do day i finish this round =/
General de Ejército Deadly Otter, Fr, 12.12.08 9:51:36:

yes^^ i think you shoul wait and take all... so much we don´t have^^
General one man, Fr, 12.12.08 12:11:03:

i comme general hurra my dream is comme general
General de Ejército Deadly Otter, Fr, 12.12.08 12:14:37:

^^ dream

General one man, Fr, 12.12.08 13:27:43:

i think i comme general
General de Ejército Deadly Otter, Fr, 12.12.08 14:40:28:

General one man, Fr, 12.12.08 15:04:52:

yeah maybe

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