Countdown to the next round: 27d 8h 33m 27s (Score table)
Announcements (more)
We, 12.3.25 2:55:06
927 units belonging to General Chiaki Akinari arrived in Kolkata ( India).
Tu, 11.3.25 23:40:30
800 units belonging to General Chiaki Akinari arrived in Lucknow ( India).
Tu, 11.3.25 23:21:32
General Chiaki Akinari has taken over India.
Tu, 11.3.25 23:21:32
General Chiaki Akinari has taken over Delhi ( India).
Tu, 11.3.25 23:19:18
General Chiaki Akinari has taken over Khanpur ( India).
Tu, 11.3.25 23:13:01
1,700 units belonging to General Chiaki Akinari arrived in Delhi ( India).
Tu, 11.3.25 23:12:33
850 units belonging to General Chiaki Akinari arrived in Khanpur ( India).
Tu, 11.3.25 23:03:59
General Chiaki Akinari has finished the construction of Barracks in Karachi ( Pakistan).
Tu, 11.3.25 23:03:57
General Chiaki Akinari has finished the construction of Barracks in Karachi ( Pakistan).
Tu, 11.3.25 22:35:25
General Chiaki Akinari has taken over Chennai ( India).

"We have destroyed 2 tanks, fighter planes, 2 helicopters and their shovels - We have driven them back."

I will not play this infidel game! And I assure you I will not comment on the events in this stupid world either. Not now. Not soon. Never! May I be condemned by Allah if this is not the truth!

Ten most recent Topics from the Forum
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